About Chiu Yee Ling
Chiu Yee Ling is an artist working primarily with photography, installation, and sculpture. Her photography practice involves experimenting with digital/analogue materialities, shooting techniques, and the dynamism between mise en scène and mundane snapshots, reflecting the aesthetic diversity of her hometown, Hong Kong and around the world. She is a graduate of School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong.
Foam Talent Award 2019 | Third Round Finalist (Printed/ Amsterdam)
LensCulture | Among the highly rated entries for the Emerging Talent Awards 2016 (Online/ Amsterdam)
Visual Arts Year Book (Hong Kong) Selected Exhibition Writing Machine Collective TWO
Selected interactive artwork: Body Language | 2007 (Hong Kong)
Images featured in
S’elim #5 Feature story in printed art magazine | 2017 (Helsinki)
MUSE Motion Divination dance performance house pgoramme | 2017 (Hong Kong)
South China Morning Post Newspaper | 2016 (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Arts Centre Newsletter | 2016 (Hong Kong)
Chochukmo Tree Hold Project concert house pgoramme | 2016 (Hong Kong)
LEVEL NOTE one two 2015 (Hong Kong)
Writing Machine Collective Two 2006 (Hong Kong)
Invented Time and Space 2005 (Hong Kong)